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Meditation: Whose bone and flesh are we?
Meditation: Whose bone and flesh are we?
by Andrew Pratt
Meditation: Whose bone and flesh are we? Whose bone and flesh are we? Who reigns above our lives? For forty years or four a human monarch has limited tenure, meagre power. And then what? Then who or what is God? What is our greatest concern? Only you, only I, can answer that? A…
Times and Seasons - Full Service - Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Year A
Times and Seasons - Full Service - Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Year A
by Andrew Pratt and Marjorie Dobson
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Year A Service Contains: Hymn: Great (Lord) God, your love has called us here or Our God has enfolded our lives in a purpose Prayer: Great God, in your love you have called us The Lord’s Prayer Hymn: I come with joy to meet my Lord (a child of God) …
Poem: God speaks
Poem: God speaks
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: God speaks How wonderful to hear the call from God to give your all-in-all. To hear, within some sacred space, that God has given you a place that only you alone can fill, as long as you obey God’s will. You wait to answer, to agree, ‘Yes, I am ready, Lord. Send me.’ But th…
Drama: People of Nazareth
Drama: People of Nazareth
by Marjorie Dobson
Drama: People of Nazareth This can be performed by seven people – six reading a sentence from each section and one concluding with the Bible quotation, or any number that is available. I knew him when they first came here, when there were all those rumours about her being an unma…
Prayer: Facing contempt
Prayer: Facing contempt
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Facing contempt Dear God, it is so difficult to deal with the contemptuous attitude that some people have towards our faith and our work for you. It’s as if they have a mind-set that blinds itself to any good that we do and only focuses on imagined practices that we do no…
Poem: Durham cathedral
Poem: Durham cathedral
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Durham cathedral Twin towers stand high and proud over trees and river. Captured in paint and picture, the image unmistakeable. Draw closer. Climb steep streets, turn a corner to the Green. feel the weight and power of this building daring all-comers to challenge its author…
Hymn: Our call: to prophesy with love
Hymn: Our call: to prophesy with love
by Andrew Pratt
Our call: to prophesy with love, within a hostile place to walk with rebels, challenge thieves, where hate and greed debase; to face political intrigue where boundaries are blurred, where wrong can masquerade as right, and yet, not be deterred. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: CLAUDIUS (F…
Hymn: Familiar man